Was the container for the virtual performances created by Reverie between 2013 and 2016. Through images and words, Reverie shared the stories, the gestures and her instinctive reactions in an experimental dialogue with Art, all of which were then shared publicly through the medium of the internet.
Inaccessible live, Art Mood On was an on-going work of art, fruit of the virtual times we live in. Now it has ended to give way to the poetic process of Reverie in real life.
Is the private section of the site, the intimate space which bears the artistic and birth-name Reverie. It holds the young visual artist’s works, projects and public performances.
Is the new channel which the artist employs not only to share the documentary videos of her activity, her public performances, the Art Mood On projects and the collaborative work carried out with other artists, but also to host the short video-pills in which Reverie deals with the most varied themes and talks about her daily life, behind the scenes and the progress of her work. Contamination in fact is one of the means Reverie favours to demonstrate the authenticity of her Purity, in absolute value.