Two years have passed since, walking in the park of the Palazzina Liberty Dario Fo and Franca Rame, I had a daydream that now bears the name of “The Sleeping Muse” and which I am moved to have been able to bring to light. I hope that it always lives as freely as it appeared to me the first time.
At a distance from a stage and a lectern.
Nothing more.
A lonely woman who carries the mirror of the world upon herself: the voice of the choir that becomes a body in front of the ear of the listener.
I opened my scores, and I read the words for the first time.
Like an orchestra in a single human being, the sounds are in unison with everyone.
The song you hear is alive without constructions, an invisible instrument of a plural catharsis.
The dream world you listen to is composed by our fears, joys, obsessions, stories; our memories and symbols …
The various melodies are the dreams of a choir that has chosen to share them over time through an online format. If the incipit was a bronze face with closed eyes of a sleeping Reverie, with a rose graft, the final work I will create will be a common and free trace: the choir of dreams will be the poetry of Time.
While the Muse is falling asleep, her eye closes and her dreams becomes reality…
I leave you to the video and to an intangible promise,
Your Reverie
With a grateful voice:
Mariella, Agnese and Alessandro, Irene and Serena, Mudima Foundation, Raffaella, Municipality of Milan, Paola and Silvia, PCM Studio, Alessandra, Massimo, Marco, Letizia, all the public present, those who participated in the “choir of dreams” and those who want to continue to listen…